Sunday, July 29, 2012

10 Best Movies of 2012 (So Far)

Best Movies 2012

The best movies of 2012?! I don't want to freak you out, but 2012 is half over. Wait, that's pessimistic! 2012 has half-begun! Wait, that makes no sense.
Either way, you catch my drift, the year is at its midway point and that means it has been six months since I've made a critical top 10 list – and I'm starting to twitch. To that end, I'm taking this opportunity to count down my 10 favorite movies of the first half of 2012, hence this early Best Movies of 2012 list.
I'm presenting this for a few reasons. One is that I'm curious to see how much this list changes by the end of the year. Will 'The Master,' 'Argo,' 'The Hobbit,' 'The Dark Knight Rises,' 'Prometheus,' 'Django Unchained,' 'Cloud Atlas' and others radically alter my picks? Also, I am getting this out in the open now so I can steel myself for the hackles of not having 'The Raid: Redemption' on my list in December. I liked the movie a lot, but it didn't stick with me. Just being honest.
Guideline: the movie has to have played in a regular movie theater where ordinary citizens could walk in and buy a ticket. Stuff I saw at Sundance but hasn't come out yet isn't eligible (which means I know of at least 2 films that'd change this up a bit.) Here goes:

Top 10 alcohol drinks

Before taking your chances with the local tipple, check our chart to see how it stacks up against the most popular bar order in Britain - a pint of Carling. Foreign alcohol can be significantly stronger than the average lager served on tap in the UK. Knowing what’s in the glass can prevent you from drinking more than you intend (and from doing things you didn’t intend too). Set your boozing budget with our unit-by-unit guide.
# Where What Units
1 Belgium Pint of Chimay 5.1
2 Czech Republic Double Absinthe 3.5
3 Russia Tripple Vodka Mixer 3.0
4 Spain Glass of Sangria 2.8
5 Britain Pint of Carling 2.3
6 Holland Double Genever 2
7 France Champagne Flute 1.7
8 Greece Shot of Ouzo 1
9 Portugal Standard Port 1
10 Italy Shot of Limoncello 0.8

Top 10 highest-paid actors

Tom Cruise's split from Katie Holmes may put a dent in his wallet. But with the latest Mission Impossible film out this year, he’s still set to rake in more than enough to cover it. He tops the Forbes list of the highest paid actors between May 2011 and May 2012.
# Actor Earnings
1 Tom Cruise $75m
2 Leanardo DiCaprio $37m
3 Adam Sandler $37m
4 Dwayne Johnson $36m
5 Ben Stiller $33m
6 Sacha Baron Cohen $30m
7 Johnny Depp $30m
8 Will Smith $30m
9 Mark Wahlberg $27m
10 Taylor Lautner $26m

Richest Football Clubs 2012 – World’s Most Valuable Football Teams released the 2012 list of world’s most valuable football teams. Manchester United have retained their status as the world’s richest club, with their value having soared by an estimated 20 per cent according FORBES. Manchester United are now worth $2.24 billion (€1.7bn) after posting record figures following their run to last season’s Champions League Final.

#1. Manchester United

Owner: Glazer family
Value: $2.23 billion
Revenue: $532 million
Operating income: $178 million

#2. Real Madrid

Mitos Kepala Botak Di Dunia

Menurut sebuah penelitian di Amerika Serikat, hampir dua dari setiap tiga orang mengalami kebotakan ketika memasuki usia 60. Mereka yang mengalami rambut rontok di area tertentu itu mayoritas laki-laki.

Di sana, para penderita kebotakan bisa menghabiskan jutaan rupiah per tahun demi mengembalikan kepercayaan diri. Mereka menempuh berbagai perawatan mulai tradisional hingga pada teknologi modern.

Kondisi itu menunjukkan bahwa masalah kebotakan menciptakan krisis percaya diri, terutama bagi mereka yang peduli penampilan. Kondisi semakin buruk saat dihadapkan pada sejumlah mitos, seperti dikutip dari Health US News:

1. Rambut rontok warisan genetis dari ibuMitos itu tidak sepenuhnya benar. Gen kebotakan yang utama adalah pada kromosom X yang didapatkan pria dari ibu mereka. Namun, faktor lain juga ikut berperan. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pria yang memiliki ayak botak lebih mungkin berisiko mengalami kebotakan.

India up in arms over Olympic gatecrasher

Furious Indian officials are demanding answers from organisers about the apparent lack of security after a woman gatecrashed India's athletes' parade at the Olympic opening ceremony.
A woman in red and blue walked close to flag-bearing wrestler Sushil Kumar on Friday, in complete contrast to female members of the contingent who were wearing yellow saris and blue blazers.
The woman's identity was originally a mystery, but subsequent investigation has revealed that she was one of the thousands-strong volunteer cast who had managed to stay in the stadium and join the Indian athletes.
"How did they allow her in? It was a security lapse," Indian Olympic Association vice president Tarlochan Singh said.

How Do I Optimize my Website for Search Engines?

SEO, an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a website for web search engines. With a comprehensive optimization technique implemented on a website, the search engines will be able to index and crawl it in an effective way. The goal of website optimization is to get your website listed in the first several search results for particular keywords.
There are two ways of optimizing a website for search engines: On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization.

On-Page Optimization

10 Negara Dengan Penduduk Terpadat Di Dunia

1. Monaco

Monako adalah Negara yang paling padat penduduknya dan merupakan negara merdeka terkecil ke dua di dunia,dengan jumlah penduduk hanya 32.410 dan luas 1,96 kilometer persegi (485 hektar).Monaco merupakan negara terkecil di dunia berbahasa prancis.

7 Binatang Laut Paling Berbahaya di Dunia

Manusia boleh-boleh saja mengklaim diri sebagai makhluk terunggul di seluruh daratan muka bumi. Tapi bagaimana dengan kehidupan di bawah laut? Masihkah manusia bisa mengatasi dan terbebas dari bahaya? Kalau pun manusia bisa menaklukkannya, tetap saja manusia harus waspada karena bahaya selalu mengintai.

Berikut adalah daftar sebagian mahkluk bawah laut berbahaya versi Livescience yang kerap menjadi ancaman bagi makhluk air lain. Dan tentu saja, ancaman berbahaya bagi manusia.

1. Belut Laut

Gigitan kuat dari gigi tajam belut laut dapat mengakibatkan luka serius yang rentan terkena infeksi bakteri dari mulut hewan primitif ini.

5 Rahasia Puasa Bulan Ramadhan

Sebagai muslim yang sejati, kedatangan dan kehadiran Ramadhan yang mulia pada tahun ini merupakan sesuatu yang amat membahagiakan dan sangat ditunggu. Betapa tidak, dengan menunaikan ibadah Ramadhan, banyak amalan, kedahsyatan dan manfaat yang akan kita peroleh, baik dalam kehidupan di dunia maupun di akhirat kelak.
Disinilah letak pentingnya bagi kita untuk membuka tabir rahasia puasa sebagai salah satu bagian terpenting dari ibadah Ramadhan.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tips on Traveling with Children

Family vacations can create long-lasting memories and fun learning experiences for parents and children alike. But traveling with children can sometimes be a test of preparedness -- and of patience. The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) has created a list of suggestions to help make the sometimes daunting task of preparing for a trip with the kids manageable and fun for the entire family.

Create anticipation for the family trip by starting a countdown calendar with perhaps a photo or illustration of the destination. Let kids pack their own bags. Decide what type of clothing (preferably loose and comfortable), but allow them to choose their favorites and to pack a special toy. In a carry-on bag, pack some hard candies and gum, hand wipes, tissues, books, paper, markers in a small, tightly sealed plastic bag and perhaps a surprise toy for each child.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Asuransi Pendidikan Untuk Anak-Anak Anda

Kalau seseorang bertanya kepada anda, apakah investasi anda yang paling berharga? Apakah investasi itu berupa emas, properti atau surat berharga? Investasi yang paling berharga adalah anak. Anak yang soleh, pintar dan berbakti adalah idaman kita semua. Sebagai orang tua yang baik, tentunya anda tidak mau jika cita-cita anak anda menggapai hari esok yang lebih cerah tidak tercapai karena biaya yang tidak tersedia. Akan tetapi tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa biaya pendidikan semakin hari menjadi semakin mahal. Semakin lengkap fasilitas pendidikan yang tersedia, maka uang sekolahnya menjadi semakin mahal. Sementara itu kemampuan yang lebih adalah menjadi suatu keharusan bila anak ingin berkompetisi di dunia kerja yang semakin kompetitif.

How to reduce, avoid stress ?

How to reduce, avoid stress ?

It’s hard to avoid stress these days with so many competing demands for your time and attention. But with good stress management skills, you can cope with stress in a healthy way.

One of the first steps toward good stress management is understanding how you react to stress — and making changes if necessary. Take an honest look at how you react to stress and then adopt or modify stress management techniques to make sure the stress in your life doesn’t lead to health problems.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pentingnya Asuransi !

Manfaat Asuransi  merupakan suatu keharusan yang harus kita pahami bagaimana tidak karena hidup kita bisa saja beresiko, kita memiliki resiko atas diri kita sendiri, keluarga kita, bahkan harta benda kita, alangkah lebih bijaksana nya jika kita memperhitungkan setiap resiko yang akan kita hadapi dan hal tersebut dengan mempertimbangkan akan   Manfaat Asuransi  atas dasar   Manfaat Asuransi  inilah bermunculan berbagai macam layanan asuransi.

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